Andre de Waal the Physiotherapist who was in Caroline Springs for 15 years is now in Melton

About Andre de Waal the Physio

Andre de Waal has worked in Caroline Springs, Burnside, Taylors Lakes, and Deerpark for over a decade. Andre always ensured his patients receive the best possible care. If you ask Andre’s patients from Caroline Springs they will say “he really listens and focuses on you”. As a Physio Andre focuses on manual techniques primarily. This is because hands-on treatment gets the best results and really helps you understand what your patients need. Exercises are important to and are part of Andre’s Physio approach. They are extremely valuable when added to a rehabilitation program at the right time.

Andre utilised many forms of exercise rehabilitation in Caroline Springs. His two favorites are and Clinical Pilates and Hydrotherapy which he continues to use at Melton Physio. Andre often jokes that he was instructing Clinical Pilates before it was a star of late-night infomercials. Andre’s Physio approach to Hydrotherapy is to get in the pool and focus on you getting the exercises right. This is impossible to be effective standing on the edge when you cannot see under the water and how do you correct the technique if you are not in the pool.

Combine Andres de Waal’s philosophy with over 15 years of experience in Caroline Springs as a Physiotherapist and you can understand why many people from the area have come to trust Andre to help them get the most out of life. If you have been looking for Andre de Waal since he moved from the Caroline Springs area you have found him. He still offers the exceptional service he did in Caroline Spring in a new purpose build location.

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Call Andre 9743 4848